Enjoy eCoupons with SavingStar

At King Kullen, we want to make it easy to save on the items you buy every day. While we offer printable coupons for those who find it easiest to use paper, we recommend SavingStar for those who want to organize their savings digitally. Instead of clipping and printing, download this free eCoupon service on your computer, iPhone, or Android device and start saving!

How it Works

1. Get a Key Tag: Get your free King Kullen/SavingStar key tag at the customer service desk of your nearest King Kullen store.
2. Register Your Key Tag: Go to http://www.savingstar.com or download the SavingStar Android or iPhone App, and register your King Kullen/SavingStar key tag.
3. Find & Add Your Coupons: Select the eCoupons you like. SavingStar will link them to your SavingStar key tag.
4. Cash Out with Your Key Tag: Shop at King Kullen and use your King Kullen/SavingStar key tag at checkout in the store.*
5. Select Your Savings: Your money is automatically added to your SavingStar account where you get to pick your payout! Choices include a bank deposit, a PayPal deposit, an Amazon gift card, or a donation to charity.

*Please note that the money you earn is added to your SavingStar account, so your total grocery bill will not change.

SavingStar Coupon Matchups

Looking for even deeper savings? Click here each week to matchup SavingStar offers with items on sale at King Kullen!


1King Kullen does not have a loyalty card – how can I participate?
Visit the customer service counter of your local King Kullen and ask for a SavingStar key tag. You can then register this card at www.savingstar.com.
2Why don’t the savings appear on my receipt?
The savings are added to your SavingStar account, and you can select your payout option via your account (bank deposit, PayPal, or a charity donation). Your account will track all of the eCoupons you have activated and all of the eCoupons that you have redeemed.
3When are the savings added to my SavingStar account?
Your savings will be added to your account within 7-22 days after your purchase.
4How often are new offers available?
While new deals may become available and added at any time, SavingStar publishes new offers on the first of each month, and typically has new offers every Thursday. Every Tuesday, they publish a new “Healthy Offer of the Week,” and every Friday they post a “Friday Freebie.”
5If an offer requires me to buy two or more of a product, does it need to be in the same transaction?
Yes, it needs to be in the same transaction, unless the offer is labeled “One or Many” and the offer says “Buy in one trip or many.”
6Are SavingStar offers doubled?
No retailer, including King Kullen, is able to double SavingStar offers.
7What should I do if I have any more questions?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any of your questions!